The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Thursday, Oct 11th. As Hurricane Michael struck the panhandle, adri, zarf, and anjchang welcomed Lucian P. Smith (author of The Edifice from IFComp 1st Place 1997) from UW and newcomer Lee Kilpatrick (@leegrandk), Warning: what follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:
Lucian talked about how IF helped him get his job. He was in town for a Systems Biology Markup Language conference. Welcome Lucian, all the way from Washington!

Sidereal confluence
Zarf talked about his parser game development
He”ll be attending the Different Games conference. Memory blocks will be shown

Pitfall mastery discussion, left vs right strategy (left was always easier)
Discussion from Racing the Beam about the graphics, zarf looked it up. Top of vine is green is re-positioned ball, cool background graphics hacks, mirroring graphics and sprites where graphics cross over.

IfComp games discussion. We talked about judging– ends Nov 15th. Play at least 5 games to vote. Ifcomp.org, week 2 of 6 judging
Mouse and Christmas
Re:Dragon by jack welch
We then decided to play Re:Dragon. Lolz reading the text that George MacBraeburn alias for jmac. Lucian and zarf did an excellent job of reading. Makes people want to play the original Dragon game.
Discussed using pseudonym for entering game competition
Cragne manor in beta testing – everyone’s eager to play it!
Michael Gentry mention