The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, August 26, 2019. Hilborn, Zarf, Feneric, Doug, Aria, Anjchang, and Yaron welcomed newcomer Jon Heard.  Warning: what follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos
Home ownership
My crappy apartment / money pit
House of leaves
Constructed by fire demons
Zzyxy awards bogeyman Elizabeth ward
First twine game to get award
Erstwhile individual puzzle
Zarf played telling lies like her story.he put on seven hours
her story was the hours. Lots of video. New format of keyword search
One actor in one day vs multiple actors over two year period (telling lies). Lots of fun. Zarf deal of approval.
Aria recommends. Making goof by John unfolds
alcoholic detective assigned to a house. Partner detective. Good five playthroughs before you digit it out.
Doug mentions original mystery games deadline
Zarf witness
Elsinore hamlet game
Eliza visual novel Zach barof
Grow games
Anteform. (Get it here) (Intro description by Feneric.) Strange little mystery
look through manual before you pay it… Announced on Ultima codex.
Emphasis on bragging and entering and searching desks.. Pico8.
Through the Moongate review of Kickstarter book. Covers if and Ultima
Digital antiquarian blog recommended
His other serious blog on the history of the world
Mysterium in Spokane, Washington report by Zarf field trip to Cyan office of Myst.
Zed puzzle game from New Hampshire
Ruben,schism, the dark eye,seventh guest,titanic,neverhood
360 degree view without being full 3d
Opposite the opal
Wizard sniffer
Clash of the type in
Zarf was on it a while back, dream hold and
Inform 7 release expected on October
Ifcomp intent to enter by end if the month
End of introco.p judging
Crane slack talk about collaborative plamescape advent calendar!!
Plamescape torment
Cregne manor won implementation
Archive of Yasin won a Hugo award
Times person of the year 2006 You
Feneric talk on ij in antarctica Antarticomf. January . Go Eric!
Winter storm Dr Co