The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022 in hybrid format. Zarf, Mike Stage, Michael Hilborn, Hugh, Dana, Rourke, Kyrill, and (at the Trope Tank) anjchang joined Kyler HE to welcome newcomer Emilie Z (in Uber) from Wellesley. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories.
Zarf and Jason Shiga’s Imagined Leviathan is out on Steam. You can also find it on Itch. Book 2 of the adventure game comics is planned.
Twitter dumpster fire/ maybe IF will have a server to Mastodon Zarf is now at mastodon.gamedev.place/@zarfeblong
What we’ve been playing.
- Angela played Adri Mill’s Hippo On Elm Street game in celebration of Halloween.
- Kyler asked about People’s top tens games. Shade and Dreamhold were discussed
- Mike played and recommends Psychic Powers at Applebee’s.
- And Then You Come to A House Unlike the Previous One. This won 1st place last year’s IF Comp
InfoComp voting is over, results will be announced soon. People’s top-tens: https://intfiction.org/t/top-ten-list-s-median-scores/58716
Parchment is stil up.
Kirill Imagined Leviathan, Letters and Words. Pentiment
Asteroids space realism
“Aporia”: http://aporiathegame.com/
How cartoons work
“Shivering Truth”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shivering_Truth
Mystery Hunt in 2023 happens this January.
Potential IF meetup in January IAP playthrough, maybe use 2017 as a template of having a meeting on afternoons where people play a game. Angela can be present.
Discussion about protocol for playing IF, try to avoid people shouting out spoilers. Whoever is moderating should try to establish ground rules so that the fun of puzzling out happens.