PAX East 2010

The PR-IF celebrated its formation, the release of Get Lamp, and the gathering of IF luminaries at PAX East 2010 by hosting an IF gathering within PAX: the first People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction Hospitality Suite.

Or you could call it a room party, if you wanted. We grabbed a room at an adjacent hotel, filled it up with IF people and memorabilia, and ran our own mini-panels and events.

An overview of IF-related events at PAX, both official ones and those organized by us:

  • Storytelling in the world of interactive fiction (panel)
  • GET LAMP screening and panel
  • PAX Speed-IF
  • Dispelling the Invisibility — IF Outreach
  • Action Castle!
  • No Hints Please — Adaptive Difficulty Strategies
  • Purple Blurb (symposium at MIT)

For more information, visit these pages: