October meetup
The Boston IF meetup for October will be Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. We will play some IFComp games!
September meetup
The Boston IF meetup for September will be Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. Between now and then: Boston FIG, Sept 10th. As far as we know, PR-IF will have a table there! So say hi.
August meetup
The Boston IF meetup for August will be Monday, August 8, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. The monthly topic (not that we’ve been leaning very hard on the monthly topic) will be maps and graphs. Are they the same thing? Maybe!
July meetup
The Boston IF meetup for July will be Wednesday, July 13, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. Topic: the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation! Go ahead, try to shut me up about it. 🙂
June meetup
The Boston IF meetup for June will be Wednesday, June 15, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. Discussion topic of the season: what is the plot? Specifically comparing the player’s view of “the plot” with the author’s view. (Inspired by this post by Emily Short, this post by Juhana Leinonen, and various other things that have…
May meetup
The Boston IF meetup for May will be Wednesday, May 11, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. Special of the month: Starting at 7:00, we will sit in on the final meeting of Nick Montfort’s Interactive Narrative class. Students will present their final IF projects. (Meet in the Trope Tank as usual at 6:30. We will…
April meetup
The Boston IF meetup for April will be Wednesday, April 13, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. This month we’re trying something new: a topic! We always talk about whatever is up in IF-land, and that will still be true. But we’ll also spend some time looking at Ink, the new open-source IF tool from Inkle…
March meetup
The Boston IF meetup for March will be Wednesday, March 23, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. By which point it may actually not be snowing.
February meetup
The Boston IF meetup for February will be Monday, February 8, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233.
January meetup
The Boston IF meetup for January will be Wednesday, January 6, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233.