Tag: grue street

  • Spring and Summer Updates

    It’s been a few months since we posted an update, but that doesn’t mean the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction hasn’t been busy. Listed below is a sampling of how we finished up the spring and started up the summer… Meetings We held our monthly meetings, one on Monday, May 9, a second on Monday,…

  • Grue Street Met And Will Meet Again

    Grue Street, our IF Writers’ Group, met on Sunday, May 16. The verdict is in: The group was a resounding success, and it’s been decided that we will hold another meeting, the second in what we hope will continue to be monthly meet ups.

  • Summary of May Meeting

    We met on May 3, 2010 at 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Our initial discussion focused on the formation and coordination of two additional groups that would meet up outside of our monthly meetings.