Summary of April Meeting

We met on April 12, 2010 at 6:30 pm. in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Here’s the scoop on our meeting.

  1. One of our members solicited feedback for a delightful work-in-progress. Many ideas were presented and we look forward to seeing the latest version of the work in the upcoming months.
  2. We discussed our various experiences at PAX East, and pondered over the contents of four mysterious USB drives that were left behind in our hospitality suite. The contents of these drives, along with the original drive first mentioned on ifMud, form a puzzle that continues to vex the IF community. Feel free to download the contents of these drives and see if you can help the IF community solve the final pieces of the puzzle.
  3. We came up with several ideas on how to expand the group outside of our monthly meetings, including creating a writing workshop for IF authors. We also hope to participate in some upcoming cons. Stay tuned for details.

Our next meeting will be in May. Date and time TBD.