Summary of June and July Meetings

In this summary, we’ll briefly cover two months of meetings, the first of which was held on Monday, June 28. We had the privilege of being joined (virtually) by Jason Scott, the mastermind behind the documentary GET LAMP. He gave us an update on his progress (still in production) and gave us access to an exclusive clip.

Several of our group described their experience at the @party. Our own Andrew Plotkin wrote a first-place entry for the event, an interstellar voyage called Hoist Sail for Heliopause and Home (which, incidentally, is also a product of our Grue Street initiative). Zarf also mentioned he was closing in on distributing his JavaScript interpreter of his Glulx spec.

We also received a report on the 4th International Conference & Festival of the Electronic Literature Organization. Aaron A. Reed read from his epic, Blue Lacuna, and we learned that our own Nick Montfort is now the president of the ELO!

Jumping ahead a month, we reconvened on Monday, July 26. We reviewed Jason McIntosh’s The Gameshelf #8: Modern Interactive Fiction, a short and sweet exploration of the field we have come to love.

An hour or so was spent diving into several entries of the IntroComp, including a game written by one of our own.

And after coming off the success of our first Collaborative IF event, we started planning our next couple of events, soon to be announced. We were also excited to hear that one of our fellows is organizing Interactive Fiction Month at Tufts University. At least four events will span the month of October. Details certain to come.