October 2020 Meeting Post Mortem

PR-IF October 2020 Meeting

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Tuesday, Oct 27, 2020. Zarfkay  (Eaten by a Grue)nickmJosh Gramsanjchang , hilborn, Hugh Steers and Dave Thompsen attended. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:

Infocomp judging happening. Join the fun!

Taper #5 is out, check it out! Entries for the next issue, Taper#6 A Throw of the Dice are now being accepted due Jan 20, 2021.

Allison Parrish posted Inform7 tutorial recently on twitter.

Anjchang has been playing latex typing game

Typing of the Dead great for the season!

Halloween Themed Comps

Spring thing announcement

Josh shares Toronto’s hand eye society wordplay festival https://www.handeyesociety.com/wordplay/

Kickstarter of Erotic Interactive fiction has a stretch goal. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/slsl/strange-lusts-strange-loves. Natalia Federov and Anna Antropy in the mix.

Kay created twitter bots that run your code in an emulator and tweet it back. https://atari8bitbot.com/

Zarf took a fieldtrip to Corning Glass and Nervous Systems HQ.
Visionary video A Day Made of Glass

Nifty Gateway Art — People make small art and post on a website with proof of ownership in Etherium/cryptocoin.

Design Fiction Discussion

Reconstructing damaged Beta Disk on Inform game files.

Discussion about conventions of direction and room in games.
Room in caving is a space big enough to stand up in, not referencing architectural convention.Show and Tell with Books

Kay read two books on Sierra Online

Nickm showed Folio Society’s Tristam Shandy by Tom Phillips
Zarf showed BASIC Games book, kay had a link to the atari archive
Eliza discussion, Omnibus project podcast

What to Do After you hit Return


Dr. Z, a poor man’s Eliza

Moore’s book

How you would write a starship simulator

(c) 1978 dilythium project

But does it cover the Manhattan distance calculations for game elements??

XCHG RAX RAX by xorpd
x86 assembly book

Ligatures and fonts

Prisoner’s Restriction no ascenders or descenders

Allison Parrish’s Beyond Z

Translation of other languages is hard