November Meetup Post-Mortem

November 2021 PR-IF attendees
November 2021 PR-IF attendees

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Monday, November 29, 2021 over zoom. Zarf, anjchang, Kathryn, Dana, Josh, NickM, Hugh, KaySavetz  (Eaten By A Grue), Joe, welcomed Kirill Azernyi. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories:

IF Comp discussion- Kidney Kwest

Emily Short and the London/Oxford IF group hosted career seminar on game writing was attended by a few of us

Heavens Vault books by Inkle studios 🙂

Zarf playing Overboard

Video Games for Humans

RadioK in the tradition of people writing novels

NanoGenMo efforts – Leonard Richardson , Zach Whalen Nanogenmo Tutorial
mentioned by Hannah Meades

Nick’s class studying HopScotch

“If you have instructions its probably a multi-sequential novel”

Kirill mentions Nabokov’s Pale Fire the first hypertext

using footnotes to introduce multi-sequentiality

Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker – trip on an escalator wiith footnotes.

House of Leaves Mark Danielewski

Stephane Mellarme’s Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard (Mallarmé)

Kathryn mentions online collaborative comic –Infinite Comics, like exquisite corpse.

Zarf flashed Jason Shiga‘s upcoming multi-sequential book! Coming out soon!

Jason Shiga’s Meanwhile (book) Discussion:

Is it the #of paths, or the exploration?

Is there an age for Meanwhile. Not really, the protagonist are all drawn the same.

Blue cover is an anniversary edition. Header is the same, everything identical to the Red cover.

Trope Tank website

Nick just did a livecoding poetry thing

Middle of December will be back into the Trope Tank estimates

Jesper Juul visitors ot the Trope Tank

Jesper Juul essay about visual perception (Game of Objects), when we see pixels as objects

Play Doors a playable philosophy about in-game doors

You always put highlights on certain aspects.

Stupid deaths – outrageous actions discussion

Battle for Dream Island 20 animated objects compete for a chance to live on a dream island. Crowdsourced narrative using YouTube.

Nick’s Apple IIC discussion

Hugh made a free virtual calculator!

Joe posed a question What do you recommend to get more retro computer type things? HW/SW (physical media)

Discussion of formatting things for Nanogenmo