The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on Thursday, November 30, 2023 online. Zarf, anjchang, Kirill, Stephen Eric Jablonski, Doug, Flori, Kathryn, Hugh (StrandGames), Sara, and Michael Hilborn attended. Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories.

Shufflecomp, Sara has entered
Josh’s recent talk about the INK Visual Narrative
Narrascope progress is being made.
Here’s Colin Post‘s thread on archiving things, a grant proposal with libraries and digital licensing grant In that sane thread but there was also a podcast interviewing Andrea Lipps at the Smithsonian about archiving digital artifacts— check it out.
Kathryn met Jason Shiga.
2 more articles for the RoseBush.
Sara looking into SubQ magazine, there’s an archive on wayback machine
Flash and Old Hardware Love
Flori digitized the early Zork maps. Discussion of archival on a Podcast of the resources at the Smithsonian. Maybe some technical issues with the old hardware.
Hugh dealing with “TK50 Tape Drive.
Kathryn mentioned old Flash-based Warrior Cat games
Do stories have to be complex to be good? Simple stories are good. Entertainment that had some quality of gameplay that was enjoyable.
Flori mentioned that there’s this claim for the “first” computerized interactive fiction story… and it def doesn’t have bells and whistles…
Kirill doing small arcade games. Experiments in game play mechanics. Free Game Planet
The Council Video Game- Anj wants to know if anyone has played it
Sara trying to write a film script and balancing what sells with interesting characters.
Kathryn shared someone who makes a great variety of games Alphabet game- Kathryn enjoyed “press the alphabetically first letter”
Magazines that publish IF – Stranger Horizaons accepting submissions.