Author: biggles2k
Upcoming Events
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction will be spending the last half of October participating in a slew of IF events. Feel free to join us since all adventurers from novice to wizard are welcome to attend.
September Meeting Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction met on Monday, September 27th, with a quorum of eight. (Apparently it’s fever season, as a couple of people stayed home sick.)
Next Meeting
Our next general meeting is just around the corner on Monday, September 27, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend.
Lost Pig: Found!
A post mortem of our LOST PIG! event is now available. Nearly two dozen adventurers joined us to help the orc, Grunk, find his stray pig. Visit the event page for photographs, a transcript, and an overview of the gathering.
August Meeting Post Mortem
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction met on Monday, August 30, drawing our largest audience yet. Over a dozen members crammed themselves into our host’s office space.
Help Grunk Find Lost Pig
The as-yet-unnamed Interactive Fiction Playing group meets again to play Lost Pig, an interactive fiction piece in which we guide the orc, Grunk, to find his wayward pig. We’ll go underground, solve puzzles, meet a grumpy gnome, and help Grunk wrap his tiny brain around basic alchemy.
Next Meeting: August 30
Our next general meeting is on Monday, August 30, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend.
Zork Post Mortem Now Available
An overview of our descent into the Great Underground Empire is now available. An audience of two dozen anonymous adventurers collaborated in mapping such memorable locations as the white house, Flood Control Dam #3, the Bank of Zork, and that insufferable maze.
Summary of June and July Meetings
In this summary, we’ll briefly cover two months of meetings, the first of which was held on Monday, June 28; the second was held on Monday, July 26.
Zork Post Mortem Available Soon
Our public trek through the Great Underground Empire came to an end this afternoon. Over two dozen anonymous adventurers joined us in our exploration of those infamous twisty passages. A full summary, complete with transcript and photographs, will be available soon.