Category: Uncategorized

  • This is our second post.

    Reminds me of the linguistics article from the 1970s titled “Copulative Sentences in English: A Germanic Language Spoken in Northern Delaware”.

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. I would like this post to appear on the web site.

  • April meetup (online)

    The Boston IF meetup for April will be Thursday, April 23, 6:30 pm. We will post the Zoom link to the mailing list on the day of the meeting. Please try to join the meeting on time — we may have to lock out new arrivals after the meeting starts to avoid harassers.

  • PR-IF announcements for the new year

    First: regular PR-IF attendee Kevin Gold has released his sci-fi epic Choice of Robots. And second: Andrew Plotkin has been named the first Writer In Residence for Nick Montfort’s Trope Tank, for the coming semester! (In practice this means that he has a key, and PRIF meetings will be easier to schedule. He intends to…

  • Hadean Lands has launched

    Famed PR-IF member *Andrew Plotkin* has released his all-new, full-scale IF game: Hadean Lands. Four years of development! Four years of apologetic Kickstarter update posts! All done now! You can purchase this wonder for a mere five US bucks on via Humble, Itch.IO, or the iOS App Store. Web site: (Yes, I’m writing about…

  • We got Twitteration

    The PR-IF now has a Twitter feed: @IFinBoston. We shall be announcing meetings, IF-related events in Boston, and anything else that seems nifty.

  • April Meetup

    The post column here has been idle. Sorry! I will make shift to post meeting announcements, so that people following on RSS or can see them. The Boston IF meetup for April will be Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 pm, MIT room 14N-233. The day before that (Monday) is a Purple Blurb event: Jason McIntosh…

  • Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album

    We’re proud to be hosting Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album. This is a collaboration of various members of the interactive fiction community (including a good number from the People’s Republic of IF) to create a tribute in honor of the 20th anniversary of the release of the They Might Be Giants album Apollo 18.…

  • Welcome to the New

    As you can see, we’ve updated the Republic to a shiny new theme. (And new content management system — WordPress, just like in town.) It’s got an RSS feed, a pocket calendar (over there on the right), a lantern, and practically everything else you might want. Oh, and you can comment on entries now. But…