December 2019 Meeting Post Mortem

December 2019 Pr-IF meeting

The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2019. , , , and welcomed back @skeleton_hugs (Reed). Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos.

The group played Tethered on the Ah Machine
“drool if you are inside an avalanche buried in snow– that can save your life someday!” on the commodore 64

Zarf mention — David Whiteland Sherlock Holmes Escape Book .
–Choice based pattern in a really interesting way
–Only correct puzzle end if you have solved all previous puzzles correctly
–printed in the UK, available through Powell’s

GPT2 discussion

Invocations by zarf demo
First verses from canonical text
Second verses wrote
Fields of words
Boom time the announcers test
Desert starve sandwich
French eat one egg an ouef
IF advent calendar

Ryan Veeders if exposition due by leap day

On the next day, Naomi and anjchang attended nickm’s Interactive Narrative Class presentations. Lots of fun stuff we hope to see again at IFcomp or out in the world somehow.

Also, Naomi is doing a podcast “about two space thieves getting in trouble. a lot.” Check it out!