The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction convened on, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2020. Zarf,, Jake, anjchang, and dan welcome Sara @saragettel (dan’s honored guest). Warning: What follows is probably not proper English, but just my log of notes from the meeting to jog people’s memories: Check out the photos.
Jake’s favorite One with album
Dan’s favorite – OX – 12 page pdf X’s and
Dollhouse Tour, 3D objects from different angles
Chess game, conversation between people
BAPHL should be next, check back on the calendar
There was a text adventure in this year’s IAP mystery hunt
And then an actual text adventure ( Wizards puzzle)
Ryan Veeder once wrote a Mystery Hunt IF puzzle
Dan released a short fiction and art zine — about sleep
somnotica.com — check it out!
Dan’s working on a game still
Jake game done from a jam in collaboration with others
Jake’s been Reading a lot about -parser interaction and how parsers might do more to handle when the player throws a tantrum
Sarah and Dan are through Hadean Lands
Discussion about interactive theater
Caroline Murphy
Dan and Sara had gone to Carnivale di Obscurita, a 1890s circus demonic burlesque.
A Harry Potter themed one existed too
Greater Good Interactive theater performance play about faculty of a public school,
The latitude society
“Waiting rooms” pennies as currency