Day Two: Done. Day Three: Underway
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction has opened its hospitality suite for its third and, regrettably, final day. We are hosting one more event: Nick Montfort will present his experimental narration-centric IF development system, Curveship, at 1:30pm. At 3pm we will start deconstructing the suite (actually, we will be throwing it back together lest the…
Day One: Complete. Day Two: To Commence
We finished up our first day here at PAX East, but our second day will be starting up in a few hours. You will find us from noon to midnight in the Alcott conference room in the Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel. Highlights incude: Speed-IF launch (1:00-1:45 pm) Panel: “Setting as character in narrative games” (2:00-3:00…
It Begins Tonight: The Second Annual IF Mini-Con
Join the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction tonight as we kick off our second annual Interactive Fiction mini-convention for PAX East. Over two dozen IF enthusiasts will be reuniting at the Tavern in the Square this evening at 7pm for dinner, drinks, good conversation, and just plain-old-having-fun. There are still a few seats left (only…
Welcome to the New
As you can see, we’ve updated the Republic to a shiny new theme. (And new content management system — WordPress, just like in town.) It’s got an RSS feed, a pocket calendar (over there on the right), a lantern, and practically everything else you might want. Oh, and you can comment on entries now. But…
Next Meeting: Feb 22
We’re meeting on Tuesday, February 22, at 6:30 pm in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend.
People’s Republic At PAX East 2011
The People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction proudly announces its second annual mini-convention at PAX East 2011 from March 11-13. We welcome all IF enthusiasts to spend some time (or the entire weekend) in our suite located at the Westin Waterfront Hotel (room number to be announced).
January Meetup
We’re back from the holidays and we’re ready to kick start the new year. Join us on Tuesday, January 18, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. We’re currently throwing together an agenda, which is certain to include our initial plans for PAX East, the beginning…
December Meetup
After you’re done dining for Thanksgiving, and have given your belly a week’s rest, it’s time to join us on Monday, December 6, 6:30 pm, in Nick Montfort’s office at MIT (14N-233). Everyone and anyone is welcome to attend. We don’t have an official agenda yet, and we may not have one until we get…
The Lurking Horror: Post Mortem
The post mortem of our Lurking Horror collaborative play event is now available. Herein, you’ll find a transcript of our play-through, a summary of our tour through the underdark of the MIT campus (including our quest to find the Tomb of the Unknown Tool), and links to plenty of photos.
October Event Post Mortem
On Halloween, the People’s Republic of Interactive Fiction hosted a collaborative IF playing of The Lurking Horror. We were joined by the game’s author, David Lebling, who subsequently led a tour through the MIT-based locations of the game. Among the regions we visited were the Department of Alchemy, the Infinite Corridor, and the infamous sub-basements.…